Ambassador Application Name* First Last Email* FIU Email IDPanther ID*Phone*Major*Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyGPA*Please enter a value between 3.0 and 4.0.Minimum 3.0 GPAExpected Graduation Date*Fall/ Spring/ Summer 20XXDo you have a Social Security Number (SSN) ?*YesNoAre you currently employed?*YesNoIf yes, where?Are you willing to commit to ASI for at least 2 semesters?*YesNoAre you willing to work at least 10 hours/ week?*YesNoCourses* COP2210/2250 (Programming 1) COP3337/3804 (Programming 2) COT3100 (Discrete Structures) COP3530 (Data Structures)Are there any additional CS / IT courses you would be interesting in tutoring?Resume (PDF)*Accepted file types: pdf, docx.Why do you want to work for ASI?*What experience do you have specific for this postion and how would you use that experience with ASI?*How did you hear about this oppurtunity? Email Professor Advisor Friend ASI Tutor Student organizations (ACM, UPE, WiCS, WiCyS) OtherDo you understand that we require tutors to see ASI as a priority, only second to Academics?*YesNoAuthorization*I hereby certify that the statements made by me in this application and all related information which I have provided are true, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge. Write initials