
Group Sessions start tomorrow and the list of updated courses that will be offered this Summer will be:

  • CDA 3103 – Fundamentals of Computer Systems
  • COP 4338 – Programming III
  • COP 3337 – Programming II
  • COP 2210 – Programming I
  • COP 4710 – Database Management
  • CTS 4408 – Database Administration
  • COT 3541 – Logic for Computer Science
  • MAD 2104 – Discrete Mathematics
  • MAD 1100 – Discrete Mathematics
  • STA 3033 – Introduction to Probability and Statistics for CS
  • MAC 1140 – Pre Calculus Algebra
  • COP 3530 – Data Structures and Algorithms
  • CGS 4285 – Applied Computer Networking
  • COP 4703 – Information Storage and Retrieval
  • CNT 4403 – Computing and Network Security
  • COP 3804 – Intermediate Java

Notice that CGS 3767 (Computer Operating Systems) and CGS 4854 (Website Construction), are no longer in this list! Don’t worry! The professors of these courses have their own LAs that will be able to help you if you are seeking help for those courses.

The exact dates and times for these group sessions will be posted this week! Make sure you stay updated by following us on all our social media on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Have a great day!

Tutoring Courses Offered – Update!