Hello Panthers!

Mid-term week is right around the corner! It is best if you do not procrastinate and start studying for those exams starting yesterday! Your grades will reflect how well you do on your final exams.

Having a tough time studying? Getting stuck with a lot of concepts and the book isn’t helping?

Sign up for FREE personalized one-on-one tutoring sessions and get help from one of our Ambassadors!

The link to sign up in here. 

We offer tutoring for the following courses:

  • Programming 1
  • Programming 2
  • Programming 3
  • Fundamentals of Computer Systems
  • Discrete Mathematics/ Structures
  • Probability and Statistics for Computer Science
  • Math for Information Technology
  • Logic for Computer Science
  • Database Management
  • Data Structures
  • Calculus 1
  • Calculus 2

We hope to see you soon!

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Facebook: facebook.com/FIU.ASI   |   Instagram: instagram.com/FIU_ASI   |   Twitter: twitter.com/fiu_asi


Free Tutoring!