It’s officially the most stressful week of the semester: Finals Week

Time to get emerged in your books and have no social life. During final exams, we tend to get unmotivated and usually procrastinate until the very last minute. During these stressful times, we find ourselves drinking way too many cups of coffee, not showering, not sleeping (what is sleep?), and camping for three days in-a-row in the library. Staying motivated is your best way to keep your sanity. Here are five tips to help you overcome this crazy week.

1. Get some sleep

Yes, I’m talking to you. We all know people barely get any sleep during finals week (if any). It does not matter how much you studied if you’re too strung out to understand what the question are asking. So, get at least six hours of sleep to keep your mind from going blank.

2. Eat well

It is so tempting to fill up on greasy. comforting foods and high-calorie caffeinated drinks, but it really is important to not destroy your body during finals week. Stock up on some healthy study snacks like pretzels and hummus, fruits, baby carrots, cucumbers, and bunny-shaped apple slices (maybe that last one is just me). Also, get some water and keep it on-hand and remember: the crunchier the food, the better.

3. Get off social media

It’s so easy to accidentally be on Facebook for an hour when you only planned on 20 minutes. Set a timer, block it from your browser, or even have a friend change your password until you are done with finals.

4. Set check points

Set out goals and a time by which to meet them. This helps you turn one big task that seems endless into manageable bites. Setting a time limit keeps you on schedule.

5. Take study breaks

Working on one thing for more than a few hours straight can start to make your eyes cross. Keep fresh and focused by taking a break every once in a while. Snack, grab coffee with a buddy, or just take a quick nap.

For more tips, follow us on our social media platforms to get real-time updates about all of our future tutoring sessions, events and study tips:

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Best of luck to you all!

Motivational Monday
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